Tag: <span>Mycobacterium</span>

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Test accurately IDs people whose gonorrhea can be cured with simple oral antibiotic

Test accurately IDs people whose gonorrhea can be cured with simple oral antibiotic

by University of California, Los Angeles A test designed by UCLA researchers can pinpoint which people with gonorrhea will respond successfully to the inexpensive oral antibiotic ciprofloxacin, which had previously been sidelined over concerns the bacterium that causes the infection was becoming resistant to it. In research published in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical Infectious Diseases,...


Anatomy of an acne treatment

Sarecycline, a drug approved for use in the United States in 2018, is the first new antibiotic approved to treat acne in more than 40 years. Now, researchers at Yale and the University of Illinois-Chicago have discovered how its unique chemical structure makes it effective. Their new study is the most detailed biological analysis to...

Compounds show promise in search for tuberculosis antibiotics

Compounds show promise in search for tuberculosis antibiotics

by John Innes Centre Compounds tested for their potential as antibiotics have demonstrated promising activity against one of the deadliest infectious diseases—tuberculosis (TB). Researchers from the John Innes Centre evaluated two compounds with antibacterial properties, which had been produced by the company Redx Pharma as antibiotic candidates, particularly against TB. TB, which is caused by...

The Evolution of a Bacterial Navigation System

The Evolution of a Bacterial Navigation System

Caltech researchers and collaborators have discovered how the bacteria Escherichia coli evolutionarily repurposed cellular machinery into a kind of navigation system to control movement through its environment. The study was led by researchers in the laboratory of Grant Jensen, professor of biophysics and biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator. A paper describing the research...

How blocking iron drives the lung immune system to control infection

How blocking iron drives the lung immune system to control infection

by Ciara O’shea, Trinity College Dublin Although COVID-19 commands the headlines today, tuberculosis (TB) remains the biggest infection killer in the world and multiple drug resistant TB, which does not respond to regular antibiotics, continues to be a major threat to global health. TB is caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that most often affect the...


Research reveals potential treatments for deadly tropical disease

by Wayne Lewis, University of California, Los Angeles Melioidosis is a tropical disease that claims an estimated 90,000 lives worldwide each year. There is no vaccine, and current treatments are hampered by the ability of the bacterium that causes the disease to resist even the strongest antibiotics. Hardy and lethal, that bacterium, Burkholderia pseudomallei, is...


South Asians at risk for tuberculosis often are not tested

Many South Asian immigrants from countries where tuberculosis (TB) is common do not get tested even though they are at high risk for developing the disease, according to a recent study by Rutgers University and St. Peter’s University Hospital. Scanning electron micrograph of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, which cause TB. Credit: NIAID Tuberculosis, which mainly affects...