Tag: <span>negative thinking</span>

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How to overcome repetitive negative thinking through meditation

How to overcome repetitive negative thinking through meditation

by Anna Andrianova, The Conversation Repetitive negative thinking can impact sleep quality, reduce efficiency and impair decision-making abilities. Credit: Shutterstock Do you ever find yourself caught in a cycle of negative thoughts? Maybe you ruminate on past mistakes, worry excessively about the future, or imagine worst-case scenarios? Do you sometimes have a great day, everything goes...

A new model for predicting patterns of persistent negative thinking based on brain connectivity

A new model for predicting patterns of persistent negative thinking based on brain connectivity

by Institute for Basic Science Model development procedure. For the model development, the researchers first predefined 20 seed regions within the DMN. Then the variance of the dynamic connectivity (written as DCC in the figure) between each DMN seed region and 280 brain parcels was calculated from 84 participants. Using the variance of dynamic connectivity as...