Tag: <span>neural circuit</span>

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Researchers show that hydrogen sulfide regulates the neural circuit for respiration

Researchers show that hydrogen sulfide regulates the neural circuit for respiration

by University of Tsukuba Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain While commonly associated with the unpleasant odor of hot springs, hydrogen sulfide is naturally produced in the body. Despite its toxicity at higher concentrations, the lower concentrations generated internally are indispensable for life. Researchers from the University of Tsukuba have demonstrated the importance of hydrogen sulfide in the...

Study identifies neural circuit that controls alcohol abuse in mice

Study identifies neural circuit that controls alcohol abuse in mice

by Rod Chester, Queensland University of Technology Chemogenetic manipulation of 5-HTMRN>DG circuit modulates ethanol intake following long-term exposure. A–C mCherry-control, hM3Dq-excitatory, and hM4Di-inhibitory DREADDs were injected in pet1-5-HT MRN neurons and bilateral cannulae were implanted in the hippocampus, above the dentate gyrus (A). Expression of DREADD constructs in TPH2-immunoreactive MRN neurons was verified by immunohistochemistry (B,...

Identifying a neural circuit involved in how pain modulates dopamine neurons

Identifying a neural circuit involved in how pain modulates dopamine neurons

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical Xpress Functional neuroanatomy of LPB projections to the ventral midbrain. a, Experimental design. b, Whole-brain fluorescence image showing LPBVGLUT2 projections (eYFP, green; upper row, horizontal; lower row, sagittal). VTA, SNR and CeA are highlighted in different colors (scale bar, 1 mm). c, LPBVGLUT2 terminals and fibers of passage (white arrows) in...