Tag: <span>Neuron</span>

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Making AI Smarter with an Artificial, Multisensory Integrated Neuron

Posted Today Artificial neuron processes visual and tactile input together. The feel of a cat’s fur can reveal some information, but seeing the feline provides critical details: Is it a housecat or a lion? While the sound of fire crackling may be ambiguous, its scent confirms the burning wood. Our senses synergize to give a comprehensive...

Engineers record neurons to pinpoint synaptic links

Engineers record neurons to pinpoint synaptic links

by Jade Boyd,  Rice University Using millisecond-scale recordings from a dense 3D array of electrodes, researchers in the laboratory of Rice University neuroengineer Chong Xie were able to map the locations and activity of up to 1 million potential synaptic links in a living brain. Credit: Xie Lab/Rice University It’s a mystery how human thoughts and...

Protein ‘traffic jam’ in neurons linked to neurodegeneration

Protein ‘traffic jam’ in neurons linked to neurodegeneration

by  Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are associated with atypical proteins that form tangles in the brain, killing neurons. Neurobiologists at EPFL have now identified some key mechanisms underlying the formation of these tangles. The researchers were also able to look at cell vulnerability...

Neuronal back-up system discovered

Neuronal back-up system discovered

by Johannes Angerer,  Medical University of Vienna Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers at MedUni Vienna have discovered that neurons have an emergency back-up system to enable them to remain functional even when their energy supply is disrupted. As in many areas of technology, an emergency back-up serves to compensate for any energy supply failures experienced by...

Boosting neuron formation restores memory in mice with Alzheimer’s disease

Boosting neuron formation restores memory in mice with Alzheimer’s disease

by  Rockefeller University Press The new study shows that boosting neurogenesis increases the number of newly formed neurons involved in storing and retrieving memories (arrows) in the hippocampus of mice with AD. Credit: Mishra et al. Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago have discovered that increasing the production of new neurons in mice with Alzheimer’s...

AI analyzes neuron changes to detect whether drugs are effective for neurodegenerative disease patients

AI analyzes neuron changes to detect whether drugs are effective for neurodegenerative disease patients

by  Nagoya University In silico FOCUS. Credit: Ryuji Kato A research group from Nagoya University in Japan has developed artificial intelligence to analyze cell images that uses machine learning to predict the therapeutic effect of drugs. Called in silico FOCUS, this new technology may aid in the discovery of therapeutic agents for neurodegenerative disorders such as...

Researchers discover new path to neuron regeneration after spinal cord injury

Researchers discover new path to neuron regeneration after spinal cord injury

by  Temple University Dynamic networks that specialize in the transmission of information generally consist of multiple components, including not only primary processors, like computers, for example, but also numerous support applications and services. The human nervous system is fundamentally very similar—neurons, like computers, process and transmit information, sending molecular signals through axons to other neurons, all...

New gene implicated in neuron diseases

New gene implicated in neuron diseases

SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE IMAGE: CLAUDIO JOAZEIRO, PHD, IS A PROFESSOR IN THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE JUPITER, FL — Failures in a quality control system that protects protein-building fidelity in cells can lead to motor neuron degeneration and related diseases, according to a new study from an international team co-directed by Scripps Research...


Restoring mobility by identifying the neurons that make it possible

ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE Researchers at EPFL are able to get paralyzed rodents walking again by stimulating the animals’ damaged spinal cords. This promising treatment has already helped paraplegics regain mobility during clinical trials at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). Now, using artificial intelligence, the researchers can pinpoint which neurons are involved in the gait...


Researchers identify neuron crucial for navigation

Researchers have recently identified a neuron in the brains of mice that is crucial for navigation. Navigation and neurology Scientists know that the RSC is crucial for navigation. In fact, if a person’s RSC is damaged, not only can they experience memory loss, but their ability to navigate will also be severely reduced. For example,...

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