Tag: <span>neuron disease</span>

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Mapping potential pathways to motor neuron disease treatment

by Queensland Brain Institute Cells expressing a mutant protein, TDP-43, involved in MND pathology. Credit: Dr Rebecca San Gil at the Queensland Brain InstituteFor the first time, researchers from the University of Queensland (UQ) have mapped out the proteins implicated in the early stages of motor neuron disease (MND). Dr. Rebecca San Gil from Associate...

Motor neuron disease treatments a step closer

Motor neuron disease treatments a step closer

by University of Queensland TDP-43 pathology causes early activation of the ISR and apoptosis signaling in rNLS8 mice. A Summary of gene expression changes in the cortex of rNLS8 mice over time. B Mechanism schema. TDP-43 mislocalisation induces early activation of multiple cell stress signaling pathways in the cortex of rNLS8 mice even before disease onset, such...

Researchers identify the biological mechanism causing nerve destruction in the motor neuron disease ALS

Researchers identify the biological mechanism causing nerve destruction in the motor neuron disease ALS

by Tel-Aviv University An illustration showing the TDP-43 protein destructively accumulating in motor nerve extensions, specifically in the neuromuscular junctions of ALS patients, where it traps messenger RNA molecules and prevents the synthesis of proteins essential to mitochondrial function. Credit: Tel Aviv University A research group from the Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Sagol...

Scientists reverse a key hallmark of motor neuron disease in the laboratory

Scientists reverse a key hallmark of motor neuron disease in the laboratory

by  The Francis Crick Institute Credit: CC0 Public Domain Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute and UCL have studied how proteins accumulate in the wrong parts of brain cells in motor neuron disease and have demonstrated how it might be possible, in some cases, to reverse this. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), more commonly known as motor neuron...