Tag: <span>neuroscientist</span>

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Sugar doesn’t make kids hyperactive, suggests neuroscientist

Sugar doesn’t make kids hyperactive, suggests neuroscientist

MAY 28, 2024 by Amy Reichelt, The Conversation Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainIt’s a Saturday afternoon at a kids’ birthday party. Hordes of children are swarming between the spread of birthday treats and party games. Half-eaten cupcakes, biscuits and lollies litter the floor, and the kids seem to have gained superhuman speed and bounce-off-the-wall energy. But...



In the quest for better health, many people turn to supplements to fill nutritional gaps and boost their overall well-being. However, according to neuroscientist Robert Love, some commonly taken supplements can actually be harmful to your brain if consumed in high doses. In a TikTok video, Love warned about the potential dangers of three specific...

Neuroscientists create maps of the brain after traumatic brain injury

Neuroscientists create maps of the brain after traumatic brain injury

by University of California, Irvine Co-first author and Anatomy & Neurobiology graduate student, Alexa Tierno, holds a mouse brain made transparent to visualize connections between nerve cells in the entire brain. An image of neurons in medial entorhinal cortex projecting to transplanted interneurons in damaged hippocampus is shown in the background. Credit: UCI School of...


How the brain fights off fears that return to haunt us

by  University of Texas at Austin Neuroscientists at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered a group of cells in the brain that are responsible when a frightening memory re-emerges unexpectedly, like Michael Myers in every “Halloween” movie. The finding could lead to new recommendations about when and how often certain therapies are deployed for the treatment...


San Diego neuroscientist says brain-buzzing device causes weight loss

A San Diego entrepreneur just took first place in a big startup competition put on by all the University of California schools, winning judges over with its brain-manipulating wearable device used for weight loss. Credit: CC0 Public Domain Neurovalens makes a headset (worn like headphones) that stimulates a region of the braintied to appetite. Wearing...