Tag: <span>Neuroscientists</span>

Home / Neuroscientists
Neuroscientists get a new view on how neurons communicate

Neuroscientists get a new view on how neurons communicate

by Laurel Hamers, University of Oregon An often-overlooked communication strategy for neurons might be more prevalent than previously believed. New research from biology professor Adam Miller’s lab in the UO’s College of Arts and Sciences illuminates the importance of neuron-to-neuron communication via direct electrical signaling, instead of the usual chemical messengers sent between cells. The team...

Neuroscientists challenge long-held theory about neural pathways in the basal ganglia

Neuroscientists challenge long-held theory about neural pathways in the basal ganglia

by Caroline Sheedy, Carnegie Mellon University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain In a paper published in Neuron, Aryn Gittis and colleagues present new information about a neural pathway in the basal ganglia, a part of the brain important for skill learning, habit formation and motor control. The paper contradicts the model that has guided researchers’ understanding of motor...

Neuroscientists find new factors behind better vision

Neuroscientists find new factors behind better vision

by James Devitt,  New York University Credit: public domain The size of our primary visual cortex and the amount of brain tissue we have dedicated to processing visual information at certain locations of visual space can predict how well we can see, a team of neuroscientists has discovered. Its study, which appears in the journal Nature Communications,...

BrainGlobe; An Open-Source Platform for Neuroscientists

BrainGlobe; An Open-Source Platform for Neuroscientists

Interview conducted by Emily Henderson, B.Sc.Dec 15 2021 Thought LeadersDr. Adam Tyson Professor Troy MargrieBrainGlobe An interview with Professor Troy Margrie, Associate Director of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, and Dr. Adam Tyson, former member of the Margrie lab and now the Scientific Software Lead at the Institute of Cancer Research. Please could you introduce yourself and...

Hidden hearing loss is hitting people of all ages. Neuroscientists are still debating why

Hidden hearing loss is hitting people of all ages. Neuroscientists are still debating why

Sarah Scoles January 21, 2020 Some of the hearing loss we’ve blamed on age might be due to how many fire trucks we’ve stood next to. But there are still ways to diagnose—and protect—against that environmental damage.Anthony Gerace Tucked inside the air traffic control tower in Portland, Maine, Samantha Bassett was busy making sure planes didn’t...

Mechanisms identified to restore myelin sheaths after injury or in multiple sclerosis

Mechanisms identified to restore myelin sheaths after injury or in multiple sclerosis

by Universitaet Mainz Remyelination in the spinal cord after experimental focal degradation of myelin sheaths, simulating a lesion caused by multiple sclerosis. In young adults, the myelin sheath (dark rings) around axons (light gray circular structures) can be rebuilt, but this process is not fully efficient and its efficiency decreases sharply with age and as...