Tag: <span>New cancer drug</span>

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New cancer drug shows promise targeting genetic weakness in tumors

New cancer drug shows promise targeting genetic weakness in tumors

by Virginia Tech Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Imagine the body’s cells are well-behaved students in the classroom. The “teachers” are tumor suppressor genes, and they make sure cells follow the rules. But when tumor suppressor genes are away, cells may go astray. With cells, this is a serious matter. Unregulated behavior can lead to uncontrolled growth,...

New cancer drug shrinks tumors, reduces side effects, in animal studies

New cancer drug shrinks tumors, reduces side effects, in animal studies

A class of experimental cancer drugs called BET inhibitors have shown promise for treating cancers of the blood but can induce toxic side effects. Now Yale researchers have found a new inhibitor that in animal studies demonstrates greater potency against a wider variety of cancers, as well as against solid tumors, and also produces fewer...