Tag: <span>New Hope</span>

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Research reveals new hope for obesity-induced heart disease

Research reveals new hope for obesity-induced heart disease

by Deakin University Aβ42 administration reprograms cardiac metabolism. a schematic of experiment where mice were administered Aβ42 or scrambled Aβ42 (ScrAβ42; 1 μg/day i.p.) for 4 weeks and analytical procedures were performed in final two weeks. b plasma Αβ42 in mice 5 h after administration of ScrAβ42 or Aβ42. c body weight in mice administered ScrAβ42 or Aβ42....

Discovery of pancreatitis treatment target offers new hope

Discovery of pancreatitis treatment target offers new hope

by Hudson Institute of Medical Research Dr Mohamed Saad. Credit: Hudson Institute of Medical Research It’s a disease in search of a remedy, but Hudson Institute researchers have identified a new pancreatitis treatment target, giving hope to sufferers worldwide. Pancreatitis is a serious inflammatory gastrointestinal disorder which can lead to severe conditions, with as many as 20% of patients...

Research offers new hope for people living with seizures

Research offers new hope for people living with seizures

by University of Otago Figure 1. Experimental setups for three different models. (A) Hippocampal slice experiments. Schematic of hippocampal slice shows location of electrical field stimulating electrode (Stim) in area CA3, and whole cell intracellular recording electrode (Rec) in area CA1. Femtosecond pulses (Laser) were applied via the use of a 2-Photon microscope. Expanded schematic...

New Hope for Muscle-Related Diseases?

New Hope for Muscle-Related Diseases?

Investigators who previously developed a recipe for turning skin cells into primitive, muscle like cells that can be maintained indefinitely in the lab without losing the potential to become mature muscle have now uncovered how this recipe works and what molecular changes it triggers within cells. The research, led by Harvard Medical School scientists at Massachusetts...