Tag: <span>new mechanism</span>

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New mechanism of antibiotic tetracycline discovered

New mechanism of antibiotic tetracycline discovered

Microbiologists from the University of Amsterdam’s Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS-UvA), in collaboration with scientists from the AUMC, VU and the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, have discovered a thus far unknown mechanism of action of the antibiotic tetracycline, that has remained hidden in over 50 years of research on this compound. The team of...

Researchers uncover new mechanism of immune-cell activation

Researchers uncover new mechanism of immune-cell activation

by Anne Doerr,  Yale University When antibody-producing immune cells encounter infectious pathogens for the first time, they engage a signal cascade to generate a massive activation signal within seconds. The mechanisms underlying this acute initial activation have not been fully understood. In a new study by Yale Cancer Center, scientists have identified the short endosomal protein...

New mechanism affecting nerve impulses discovered

New mechanism affecting nerve impulses discovered

Researchers have discovered a new mechanism by which substances can open a certain type of ion channel and in this way regulate nerve impulses. The study, published in PNAS, identifies a large group of substances that influence the coupling between the various functional parts of an ion channel. The discovery may help in the development of...

New mechanism affecting nerve impulses discovered

New mechanism affecting nerve impulses discovered

by  Linköping University Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have discovered a new mechanism by which substances can open a certain type of ion channel and thereby regulate nerve impulses. The study, published in the scientific journal PNAS, identifies a large group of substances that influence the coupling between the various functional parts of an ion channel. The discovery...

Scientists discover a new mechanism for cellular defense against viral and bacterial infections

Scientists discover a new mechanism for cellular defense against viral and bacterial infections

by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.)  A study published in the journal Science and coordinated by researchers of IDIBAPS, the UB and the Spanish National Center of Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) describes a new immune defense mechanism unknown until now. It is a mechanism orchestrated by lipid droplets (LDs), the cellular organelles capable of...