Tag: <span>new technologies</span>

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Advancing new technologies to halt bleeding

The research arm of the U. S. Army has awarded Case Western Reserve University blood surrogate pioneer Anirban Sen Gupta a four-year, $2.5 million grant to advance and optimize his latest nanotechnology to stop bleeding from battlefield injuries.  Sen Gupta and his team devised the new technology called “SanguiStop.” It allows a clot-promoting enzyme called thrombin to be intravenously...

Two that could change cancer treatment

Two that could change cancer treatment

by  Youris.com Credit: Unsplash By studying the biomechanics of cancer in the breast and bladder, the Mechano-Control and Edit projects are developing new ways of cancer identification and treatment that could open up new avenues in cancer research Curing cancer is certainly one of the big challenges of the 21st century. Caused by genetic mutations that transform healthy cells into tumor...