Tag: <span>nucleophile</span>

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Imaging an estrogen related enzyme may help to predict obesity, self-control issues

Imaging an estrogen related enzyme may help to predict obesity, self-control issues

by Stony Brook University Findings from a positron emission tomography (PET) brain imaging study of the amygdala reveals that low levels of the enzyme aromatase, which catalyzes estrogen biosynthesis, are associated with a higher body mass index (BMI) and lower self-control, as measured by a standard personality test. Published in PNAS, the study is led...

Vaccine against grass pollen allergy as potential treatment for chronic hepatitis B

Vaccine against grass pollen allergy as potential treatment for chronic hepatitis B

by Johannes Angerer, Medical University of Vienna Chronic hepatitis B infections represent a global health problem that could hitherto only be treated by chemotherapy. A team of researchers led by Rudolf Valenta from MedUni Vienna’s Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology has now demonstrated that a protein contained in the BM32 vaccine against grass pollen...


Enzymes engineered to trap reaction intermediates

Many enzymatic processes involve a mechanism in which reaction intermediates are covalently attached to the enzyme’s active site. A strategy has been devised that enables mimics of these intermediates to be visualized.  Andrew M. Gulick Enzyme structure and function are routinely studied by altering the DNA that encodes the enzyme, thus replacing specific amino-acid residues in the enzyme with other...