Tag: <span>nutrient</span>

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Team identifies a nutrient that cancer cells crave

Team identifies a nutrient that cancer cells crave

by Rockefeller University Arginine codons and residues are frequently lost and are associated with an increase in ASS1 expression. (A) Heatmap depicting codons gained (red) and lost (blue) across the TCGA. Gains and losses are normalized to the total number of missense and silent mutation events per sample for each cancer type. (B) Qualitative chord diagram...

NIH scientists identify nutrient that helps prevent bacterial infection

NIH scientists identify nutrient that helps prevent bacterial infection

Scientists studying the body’s natural defenses against bacterial infection have identified a nutrient — taurine — that helps the gut recall prior infections and kill invading bacteria, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kpn). The finding, published in the journal Cell by scientists from five institutes of the National Institutes of Health, could aid efforts seeking alternatives to antibiotics. Scientists know...

Self-Eating Decisions

Self-Eating Decisions

New study sheds light on how nutrient-starved cells recycle internal components. The idea of the cell as a city is a common introduction to biology, conjuring depictions of the cell’s organelles as power plants, factories, roads, libraries, warehouses and more. Like a city, these structures require a great deal of resources to build and operate,...


Whitehead Institute team resolves structure of master growth regulator

Posted Yesterday This news or article is intended for readers with certain scientific or professional knowledge in the field. A team of Whitehead Institute scientists has for the first time revealed the molecular structure of a critical growth regulator bound to its partner proteins, creating a fine-grained view of how they interact to sense nutrient...


What are the benefits of bone broth?

What are the benefits of bone broth? Bone broth is a liquid containing brewed bones and connective tissues. To make bone broth, people use cow, chicken, and even fish bones. Drinking bone broth may be beneficial for the joints and digestive system, among other things. The bones and tissues of many types of animal may...


How a nutrient, glutamine, can control gene programs in cells

Researchers have discovered the mechanism of this control, with implications for developmental biology, the immune response and cancer dysregulation The 200 different types of cells in the body all start with the same DNA genome. To differentiate into families of bone cells, muscle cells, blood cells, neurons and the rest, differing gene programs have to...