Tag: <span>Nutrition-drink</span>

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Highly acidic foods can increase breast cancer recurrence and mortality among past smokers

Highly acidic foods can increase breast cancer recurrence and mortality among past smokers

by Padma Nagappan, San Diego State University Fresh and processed meats, cheese, eggs, sugary food, soft drinks, and grains are acid-producing foods. For cancer survivors who have a reduced capacity to process such foods that produce sulfuric, phosphoric, or organic acids, it can increase their mortality risk trifold if they also smoked in the past,...


Is Meat Good or Bad? How to Avoid Whiplash from Nutritional Studies

One study found that 80 percent of people have come across conflicting nutritional advice. Experts recommend not changing your diet entirely based on one study. Look at a wide range of research and remember a diet full of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins is still pretty healthy. You’ve been hearing for decades that it’s a...


Medical nutrition-drink may affect development of early Alzheimer’s

In a new study, an international research team shows that a medical nutrition-drink, consisting of, among other things, essential fatty acids and vitamins, may have an impact on disease development in patients with so-called prodromal Alzheimer’s disease. This nutritional treatment did not improve the patients’ memory, but seems to slow down neurodegeneration and help patients...