Tag: <span>obesity and diabetes</span>

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Liver protein protects against stiff arteries in obesity and diabetes

Liver protein protects against stiff arteries in obesity and diabetes

by American Physiological Society Credit: CC0 Public Domain New research identifies the importance of the protein adropin in preventing stiffness in the arteries of people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. The study is published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. Arterial stiffness is a condition associated with aging and...


Sugar disrupts microbiome, eliminates protection against obesity and diabetes

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IRVING MEDICAL CENTER A study of mice found that dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain of events that leads to metabolic disease, pre-diabetes, and weight gain. The findings, published today in Cell(link is external and opens in a new window), suggest that diet matters, but an optimal microbiome is equally...

Team finds that their cancer-fighting compound fights obesity and diabetes, too

Team finds that their cancer-fighting compound fights obesity and diabetes, too

by University of New Mexico Eric Prossnitz, Ph.D., and his team hope to help 93 million obese Americans fight their fat. In a paper published in Science Translational Medicine, they reported that G-1, a cancer-fighting compound they discovered some years ago, reduces fat in obese mice. Although G-1 is currently in phase 1 clinical trials...