By PAT HAGAN UPDATED: 18:50 EDT, 20 March 2023 A blast of hot gas could ease the agony of heartburn. Argon gas is fired from a thin tube inserted deep into the oesophagus (food pipe) while the patient is under sedation. It is targeted at an area around the valve where food passes from the oesophagus and...
Tag: <span>oesophagus</span>
Mutated cells drive out early tumours from the oesophagus
by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Credit: CC0 Public Domain Cells carrying mutations can out compete early tumors in the mouse esophagus, so they never make it into cancers, new research has shown. Normal human esophagus is a patchwork of cells containing mutations, known as mutant clones. This new research, from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the University...