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WHO: Ugandan Ebola outbreak ‘rapidly evolving’ after 1 month

WHO: Ugandan Ebola outbreak ‘rapidly evolving’ after 1 month

by RODNEY MUHUMUZA and KRISTA LARSON  Doctors disinfect themselves after visiting a patient who was in contact with an Ebola victim, in the isolation section of Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital in Entebbe, Uganda Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Uganda’s Ebola outbreak is “rapidly evolving” a month after the disease was reported in the country, a top...

CDC Details Deadly Aromatherapy Outbreak

CDC Details Deadly Aromatherapy Outbreak

by Crystal Phend, Contributing Editor, MedPage Today March 2, 2022 While the lavender-scented spritz from Walmart might have seemed the furthest thing from exotic, the Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria inside sparked a deadly melioidosis outbreak that CDC scientists highlighted as a reason to watch for unexpected infections. “Health care providers should consider melioidosis in patients with a compatible illness,...



Traces of the outbreak are evident in the genetic makeup of people from that area, they’ve found. The researchers analyzed the genomes of more than 2,500 modern humans from 26 worldwide populations, to better understand how humans have adapted to historical coronavirus outbreaks. The team used computational methods to uncover genetic traces of adaptation to...

What’s the difference between pandemic, epidemic and outbreak?

What’s the difference between pandemic, epidemic and outbreak?

by Rebecca S.b. Fischer, The Conversation The coronavirus is on everyone’s minds. As an epidemiologist, I find it interesting to hear people using technical terms—like quarantine or super spreader or reproductive number—that my colleagues and I use in our work every day But I’m also hearing newscasters and neighbors alike mixing up three important words:...