Tag: <span>Ovarian Cancer</span>

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Convenient spit test helps women assess cancer risk from the comfort of their own homes

Convenient spit test helps women assess cancer risk from the comfort of their own homes

First-of-its-kind clinical trial validates remote genetic counseling STAND UP TO CANCER STAND UP TO CANCER, OVARIAN CANCER RESEARCH ALLIANCE, NATIONAL OVARIAN CANCER COALITION LOGOS view more CREDIT: STAND UP TO CANCER, OVARIAN CANCER RESEARCH ALLIANCE, NATIONAL OVARIAN CANCER COALITION (New York) June 01, 2020 – Genetic testing for cancer risk can significantly improve the prevention...


New type of immunotherapy hinders the spread of ovarian cancer

A new type of immunotherapy that targets macrophages has undergone preliminary testing on mice and shows promise for the future treatment of ovarian cancer; the study is headed by Anders Etzerodt from Aarhus University, Denmark AARHUS UNIVERSITY Malignant ovarian cancer is insidious: Known and feared for vague and uncharacteristic symptoms that often mean the disease...


Does talc powder cause ovarian cancer?

Does using powder in the genital area increase the risk of ovarian cancer? A new data analysis of over 250,000 women found no link, but the authors urge caution as the study may not be large enough. Is there a link between powder and ovarian cancer? Some people use powder on their genitals to reduce...


FAK protein linked to chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – SAN DIEGO Although the number of women being diagnosed and dying of ovarian cancer is declining, recurrence, drug resistance and mortality remain high for women with high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma, the most common form of epithelial ovarian cancer. A new study in the journal eLife by University of California San Diego School...


New research shows birth control pills may help prevent this fatal disease

By: James Groh A new study shows that women who take birth control pills are less likely to develop the most aggressive types of ovarian cancer. “Among those who used the birth control pills, there were 46 percent lower odds of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer that resulted in death within 12 months of the diagnosis,” Jennifer Mongiovi, a PhD student at the University at Buffalo and...


Douching: more harmful than helpful

Beyond having no proven benefits, douching can cause many health problems, including bacterial and yeast infections. And if you already have a vaginal infection, it can push bacteria up into your reproductive organs, causing pelvic inflammatory disease, which in turn can lead to fertility problems. Douching has been linked to premature births and ectopic pregnancies. Research has also found that it...


Women’s wellness: Is endometriosis a risk factor for ovarian cancer?

Q: I just found out I have endometriosis, which my mother also has. She says endometriosis raises our risk of ovarian cancer, so I should have children early and then get a hysterectomy. What’s the real story? A: It sounds like your mother jumped to the wrong conclusion. Endometriosis and ovarian cancer are linked, but the relationship isn’t straight cause and effect. Although ovarian cancer occurs at higher rates in...