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Oximeters often overestimate COVID patients’ oxygen levels, delaying care: Study

Oximeters often overestimate COVID patients’ oxygen levels, delaying care: Study

by Mary Van Beusekom, Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Incidence of Treatment During the First 48 Hours of Hospitalization. Comparison of patients with COVID-19 admitted after July 1, 2020, with first arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) measurement below 94% who had recognized or unrecognized need for COVID-19 therapy (concurrent pulse oximeter saturation [SpO2] at 94% or 94%...

Low and normal blood oxygen levels: What to know

Low and normal blood oxygen levels: What to know

Blood oxygen level is the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood. Red blood cells carry most of the oxygen, collecting it from the lungs and delivering it to all parts of the body. The body closely monitors blood oxygen levels to keep them within a specific range so that there is enough oxygen for...


Pulse oximeters missed low oxygen levels in more Black veterans than White veterans

MICHIGAN MEDICINE – UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, research from the University of Michigan uncovered inaccuracy in readings based on race when using pulse oximeters, finger-tip devices used to determine how much oxygen is present in the blood in patients in respiratory failure. This work was followed by other studies from around...