Tag: <span>p53</span>

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P53 could be key to therapies for salivary gland cancer

P53 could be key to therapies for salivary gland cancer

by Anna Megdell, University of Michigan Credit: Jacques Nor Researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center and School of Dentistry found that certain drugs can change the fundamental makeup of cancer stem cells in mouse models of mucoepidermoid carcinoma—a lethal form of salivary gland cancer that currently has no treatment options. These results...


Compound discovered that targets cancer cells lacking the protective p53 ‘guardian gene’

Developed and tested at the University of Huddersfield, the compound, containing ruthenium, is attracted to the vulnerable cancer cells, whilst leaving healthy cells untouched UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD A NEW chemical compound with the potential to destroy hard-to-treat cancer cells has been developed and tested by scientists at the University of Huddersfield.  Also, the compound causes...