Tag: <span>Pain</span>

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What can cause pain on the left side of the body?

Some common causes of pain on the left side of the body include infection and injury to internal organs, muscles, or nerves. In some cases, this pain resolves on its own. However, other cases may require immediate medical intervention. It is best to contact a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor may perform a...

Experiencing pain after a heart attack may predict long-term survival

Experiencing pain after a heart attack may predict long-term survival

by American Heart Association Credit: CC0 Public Domain People who have had a heart attack often report pain about a year later. Moderate or extreme pain after a heart attack—most commonly pain due to other health conditions—may help predict the likelihood of death over the next 8.5 years, according to new research published today in the Journal...

Mouse study suggests pain not perceived in the same way in people with Alzheimer’s disease

Mouse study suggests pain not perceived in the same way in people with Alzheimer’s disease

by King’s College London Attenuated inflammatory arthritis pain in TASTPM is caused by microglia that are insensitive to Gal-3. a Illustration of the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where nociceptor terminals synapse on laminae I projection neurons. b In homoeostasis, microglia constantly survey the parenchyma by responding to cues in their microenvironment. c During inflammatory arthritis, TLR4+ P2Y12+ microglia...

Why pain seems worse at night

Why pain seems worse at night

by Rocío de la Vega de Carranza, The Conversation Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa As the song from the musical “Les Miserables,” based on the novel by Victor Hugo, says, “But the tigers come at night, with their voices soft as thunder.” We’ve all been miserable at night, when we find ourselves tossing and turning in...

A handy lesson about pain and the brain in stroke survivors

A handy lesson about pain and the brain in stroke survivors

by University of South Australia Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A world-first study of stroke survivors shows how chronic pain can alter body perception, with the brain tricking patients into believing their affected hand is a different size, increasing the risk of accidents. Australian and US researchers found there’s a strong likelihood in stroke patients with persistent pain to mistakenly...

What causes pain in the shoulder joint?

What causes pain in the shoulder joint?

There are many conditions that can cause shoulder joint pain. Some conditions specifically affect the shoulders, while others may affect other areas of the body. This article focuses mainly on the causes of shoulder pain that primarily affect the shoulder joint and surrounding tissue. It also lists the symptoms of shoulder joint pain, tips for...

Examining how pain could play a direct protective role in the gut

Examining how pain could play a direct protective role in the gut

Interview conducted by Aimee Molineux Oct 21 2022 In this interview, News Medical speaks to Isaac Chiu, Ph.D., and Daping Yang, Ph.D. of Harvard Medical School, about their latest research, revealing the surprising properties of pain.Thought LeadersIsaac Chiu, Ph.D.Daping Yang, Ph.D.Harvard Medical School Please can you introduce yourself and tell us about your background, as...


Level of trust in doctor may influence patient’s brain responses to pain

UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI When doctors are seen as less trustworthy by their patients it can increase reported pain and pain-related brain activity, new research from the University of Miami suggests.  In a study recently published in Cerebral Cortex and led by recent University of Miami Psychology Ph.D. graduate Steven R. Anderson, and Elizabeth Losin, assistant professor of psychology...

Can a dangerous microbe offer a new way to silence pain?

Can a dangerous microbe offer a new way to silence pain?

by  Harvard Medical School Spores of the anthrax bacteria (Bacillus anthracis). Credit: CDC Anthrax has a scary reputation. Widely known to cause serious lung infections in humans and unsightly, albeit painless, skin lesions in livestock and people, the anthrax bacterium has even been used as a weapon of terror. Now the findings of a new study...

SARS-CoV-2 infection could cause alterations in pain perception

SARS-CoV-2 infection could cause alterations in pain perception

by Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève  Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Physicians from the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) have observed a surprising phenomenon during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: Some patients with cancer-related pain have experiences a significant decrease or even disappearance of pain perception during the acute phase of infection. This case study would confirm the...