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Pancreatic lesions may occur more frequently than previously thought

By American Association for Cancer Research The Pancreas. Credit: Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology Connexions Web site http://cnx.org/content/col11496/1.6//Wikimedia Commons, CC BY Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) lesions were detected in a majority of healthy pancreases from deceased donors of diverse age and harbored features of pancreatic cancer, according to a study published in Cancer Discovery. Pancreatic cancer is a...


Combined molecular biology test is the first to distinguish benign pancreatic lesions

When performed in tandem, two molecular biology laboratory tests distinguish, with near certainty, pancreatic lesions that mimic early signs of cancer but are completely benign. The lesions almost never progress to cancer, so patients may be spared unnecessary pancreatic cancer screenings or operations. The two-test combination is the only one to date that can accurately...