Tag: <span>paranoia</span>

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Study of OTC supplements shows some have very high levels of levodopa, which can lead to paranoia

Study of OTC supplements shows some have very high levels of levodopa, which can lead to paranoia

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress Ball-and-stick model of the levodopa molecule, also known as L-DOPA, a non-standard amino acid. Credit: Jynto (talk)/Wikimedia Commons, CC 1.0 A team of researchers from the Cambridge Health Alliance and the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy has found that over-the-counter supplements that are advertised as containing extracts from Mucuna pruriens, a...

Another byproduct of the pandemic: paranoia

Another byproduct of the pandemic: paranoia

by Bill Hathaway,  Yale University Depictions of our behavioral tasks and computational model used to ascertain belief-updating behavior. a Non-social and social task stimuli and reward contingency schedule. b, Hierarchical model for capturing changes in beliefs under task environment volatility. Credit: Yale University The COVID-19 pandemic increased our feelings of paranoia, particularly in states where wearing...