Tag: <span>Parkinson’s gene.</span>

Home / Parkinson’s gene.

Researchers find link between Parkinson’s gene and vocal issues that could lead to earlier diagnosis

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Parkinson’s disease is perhaps best known for its movement-related symptoms, particularly tremors and stiffness. But the disease is also known to hinder vocal production, giving those with Parkinson’s a soft monotonous voice. Those symptoms, research has suggested, often appear much earlier in the disease’s development – sometimes decades before movement-related symptoms. New...

Parkinson’s gene may impair how new neurons are made throughout our lifetime

Parkinson’s gene may impair how new neurons are made throughout our lifetime

by  University of Sheffield Old (green) and newly made (orange) dopamine-producing nerve cells in the zebrafish brain. Credit: University of Sheffield A pioneering study, published in Scientific Reports, found that the Parkinon’s gene PINK1 is important for the generation of dopamine-producing neurons throughout life, and is not just responsible for the premature death of these neuronsThe international research,...

Even in people with Parkinson’s gene, coffee may be protective

Even in people with Parkinson’s gene, coffee may be protective

by  American Academy of Neurology Even for people with a gene mutation tied to Parkinson’s disease, coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of actually developing the disease, according to a new study published in the September 30, 2020, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. “These results are...