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New guidance available for peanut desensitization therapy in patients with peanut allergy

by Wiley Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Based on focus groups with children and young people with peanut allergy, experts have published guidance for clinicians working in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) to help them safely and equitably implement Palforzia peanut oral immunotherapy. Their recommendations are published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy. In 2022, the...


What are the most healthful nuts you can eat?

Nuts are a good source of healthful fats, fiber, and other beneficial nutrients. Each type of nut offers different nutritional benefits. Nuts are among the best sources of plant-based proteins. According to a 2017 review study, a diet rich in nuts may help prevent risk factors, such as inflammation, for some chronic diseases. In this...