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Special toothpaste may lower risk of allergic reactions for adults with peanut allergy

by American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Oral immunotherapy for peanut allergy—introducing small amounts of peanut over a period of time to cause less of a reaction if the person eats something with peanut—has been used by allergists for years to help desensitize those with peanut allergy. A late breaking abstract,...

Novel peanut allergy treatment shown to be safe, effective and lasting

Novel peanut allergy treatment shown to be safe, effective and lasting

by Brittany Phillips, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A four-year clinical trial led by Edwin Kim, MD, at the UNC School of Medicine, has found that an increased dosage of a unique type of peanut allergy immunotherapy continues to show promise for children. A four-year phase 2 clinical trial demonstrated...



The gut microbiome plays a significant role in the immune system’s tolerance of potential food allergens, such as milk or peanuts. Research has shown that certain bacteria can protect against food allergies by preventing antigens from entering the bloodstream. Now, researchers have created a special type of polymeric molecule to deliver a crucial metabolite produced by these bacteria directly to the...

Researchers discover why only some people experience long-term benefits from peanut allergy treatments

Researchers discover why only some people experience long-term benefits from peanut allergy treatments

by Noah Brown, Massachusetts General Hospital Graphical abstract. Credit: Journal of Clinical Investigation (2023). DOI: 10.1172/JCI164501 Food allergies are caused by IgE antibodies that are generated by the immune system and bind to allergens such as peanuts, triggering a reaction that in extreme cases can be potentially life-threatening. New research by scientists at Massachusetts General...

Researchers discover two treatments that induce peanut allergy remission in children

Researchers discover two treatments that induce peanut allergy remission in children

by Murdoch Children’s Research Institute Researchers have discovered two peanut allergy treatments for children that are both highly effective at inducing remission. Credit: Kamran Aydinov Researchers have discovered two peanut allergy treatments for children that are both highly effective at inducing remission. The research, led by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI), found the treatments—a...

Oral immunotherapy induces remission of peanut allergy in some young children

Oral immunotherapy induces remission of peanut allergy in some young children

NIH/NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES IMAGE: PEANUTS IN A BOWL. CREDIT: NIAID A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health has found that giving peanut oral immunotherapy to highly peanut-allergic children ages 1 to 3 years safely desensitized most of them to peanut and induced remission of peanut allergy in one-fifth....

Peanut allergy affects even more U.S. adults than children

Peanut allergy affects even more U.S. adults than children

by  Northwestern University Credit: CC0 Public Domain Peanut allergy affects at least 4.5 million adults in the U.S., many of whom report developing their first allergy symptoms during adulthood, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study. However, despite the fact that roughly three out of four Americans with peanut allergy are over 17 years old, peanut allergy is often considered a predominantly...


New peanut allergy treatment shows effectiveness and safety

by Mark Derewicz, University of North Carolina Health Care People allergic to peanuts may have a new way to protect themselves from severe allergic reactions to accidental peanut exposure. It’s called sublingual immunotherapy—or SLIT—and it involves putting a miniscule amount of liquefied peanut protein under the tongue, where it is absorbed immediately into the blood...


Cure to deadly peanut allergy FINALLY found – with kids given probiotics with nut protein free from reaction for four years

Researchers’ breakthrough in treatment of deadly peanut allergies in children Children given an experimental immunotherapy treatment were rid of allergy Were given probiotic treatment, with a peanut protein, once daily for 18 months Found 70% of kids were able to stomach peanuts without suffering any reactions Children with peanut allergies could finally overcome the life-threatening reaction...