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Fibroblasts in the penis are more important for erectile function than previously thought

Fibroblasts in the penis are more important for erectile function than previously thought

by Karolinska Institutet Credit: CC0 Public Domain Regular erections could be important for maintaining erectile function, according to a new study on mice published in Science by researchers at Karolinska Institutet. “We discovered that an increased frequency of erections leads to more fibroblasts that enable erection and vice versa, that a decreased frequency results in fewer...


What causes sores on the penis?

By Jayne Leonard Reviewed by Stacy Sampson, DO A sore is a painful bump or wound. Sores can appear on any part of the skin, including on the penis. Penis sores often result from a sexually transmitted infection or a skin condition. While some penis sores will clear up on their own, many require treatment to prevent symptoms...


What causes penis skin to peel?

By Jayne Leonard Reviewed by J. Keith Fisher, M.D. Peeling skin on the penis often occurs as a result of friction, chafing, or an allergic reaction, but other possible causes include infections and skin conditions. Skin peeling may be the only symptom that a person experiences, or they may also have itching, burning, or redness. Most cases...