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Can Pets Get COVID-19?

Can Pets Get COVID-19?

By Clare Knight, B.Sc. Reviewed by Sophia Coveney, B.Sc. A novel coronavirus that was first reported in China in December 2019 quickly led to a global pandemic. Named COVID-19, the virus has had a devastating effect on economies and healthcare systems worldwide. Whilst highly contagious between humans, evidence of transmission from animals to humans is limited, although human...


Pets linked to maintaining better mental health and reducing loneliness during lockdown, new research shows

by  University of York Sharing a home with a pet appeared to act as a buffer against psychological stress during lockdown, a new survey shows. Most people who took part in the research perceived their pets to be a source of considerable support during the lockdown period. (23 March—1 June, 2020) The study—from the University of York and...

No evidence that COVID-19 can be contracted from pets

No evidence that COVID-19 can be contracted from pets

by Colorado State University Veterinary experts from around the world are urging pet owners to listen to the advice of their veterinarians and public health experts, following the news that a dog in Hong Kong, quarantined after it had tested positive for SARSCoV-2, has died. The dog had been released after two weeks of quarantine...