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Improved Physical Function in Old Mice Treated with Rapamycin, Acarbose, and Phenylbutyrate

It is quite rare for researchers to attempt combined treatments, unfortunately. The panoply of calorie restriction mimetics and other approaches to gently upregulate stress responses are individually not all that impressive, and it remains unclear as to which of them can be stacked for greater effect. In the treatment of aging, even the better approaches that produce...

Physical function and medicines linked to risk of falling and fractures

Physical function and medicines linked to risk of falling and fractures

by University of Gothenburg Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain In older women, inability to stand on one leg for more than a few seconds is a risk factor for fracture. Another physical test yields similar results. Moreover, SSRIs can be linked to relatively poor physical function, a University of Gothenburg thesis shows. Osteoporosis, with its associated...


Association Between Hearing Loss and Impaired Physical Function, Frailty, and Disability in Older Adults

A Cross-sectional Study Humberto Yévenes-Briones, MS1; Francisco Félix Caballero, PhD1; Ellen A. Struijk, PhD1; et al Jorge Rey-Martinez, MD, PhD2; Lourdes Montes-Jovellar, MD, PhD3; Auxiliadora Graciani, MD, PhD1,4; Fernando Rodríguez-Artalejo, MD, PhD1,4; Esther Lopez-Garcia, PhD1,4Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Published online September 23, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2021.2399Key Points Question  Is hearing loss associated with impaired physical function, frailty, and disability in older adults? Findings  In this cross-sectional study of 1644 older adults from the Seniors-ENRICA-2 cohort study, hearing loss...

Hearing impairment tied to poorer physical function

Hearing impairment tied to poorer physical function

Hearing impairment is associated with significantly poorer physical function and faster declines in physical function among older people over time compared with those with normal hearing, according to a study published online June 25 in JAMA Network Open. Pablo Martinez-Amezcua, M.D., Ph.D., from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, and colleagues used...


Osteoporosis detection by a simple physical function test

SHINSHU UNIVERSITY Osteoporosis is a condition that does not exhibit symptoms until there is a bone fracture, so it is said that there is a high percentage of people who remain unaware of their condition. When people are unaware their bones have weakened, the condition is left untreated, and the recent rise of the elderly...