Tag: <span>Picometrics</span>

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Research shows testosterone therapy can lead to remission in men with Type 2 diabetes

Research shows testosterone therapy can lead to remission in men with Type 2 diabetes

by Barbara Branning, University at Buffalo The findings from a recent study by a University at Buffalo researcher and others could prove to be a game-changer for men with Type 2 diabetes. The single-site study, conducted over 11 years in Bremerhaven, Germany, found that testosteronetherapy reversed Type 2 diabetes in a one-third of the study...


Speeding up genetic diagnosis of Huntington’s disease

Elongated segments of DNA cause Huntington’s disease and certain other disorders of the brain. Researchers funded by the SNSF have developed a method to determine the length of the mutated genes quickly and easily. Credit: Swiss National Science Foundation People with Huntington’s disease suffer from jerky body movements and decreasing mental abilities. The condition usually leads to death 15 to 20...