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Placenta cells may lower blood pressure

Placenta cells may lower blood pressure

by Sue Smethurst, La Trobe University Angiotensin II induced-hypertension and aortic stiffening is reduced by administration of amnion epithelial cells. (A) Immunostaining for HLA-G in angiotensin II and angiotensin II + amnion epithelial cell (AEC) treated mice. (B) Effect of amnion epithelial cells (AECs) on angiotensin II-induced hypertension (n = 8–11). (C) Effect of angiotensin II infusion and co-treatment with...


What’s in a Placenta? A Transcriptomic View

I didn’t think much about placentas until I had one and part of it dislodged halfway through a 4-mile run. Happily it ended well some months later with a “small for gestational age” tiny baby and a “large for just giving birth” me. After that I became more sensitive to mentions of this intriguing organ...


Eyesight saved… by patches made out of placenta: Dressings are being used in NHS hospitals to promote wound-healing for victims of burns

Dressings made from discs of human placenta are being used in hospitals The victims of eye injuries can see pain reduction of up to 70 per cent Experts say the medical advance has transformed treatment of burns injuries  Dressings made from discs of human placenta are being used in NHS hospitals on victims of eye injuries –...