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Research team develops vaccine platform applicable to viruses

Research team develops vaccine platform applicable to viruses

by National Research Council of Science & Technology Bang Eun-kyoung(left) from the KIST’s Center for Neuro-Medicine are discussing the efficacy of RNA stabilizer containing zinc complex. Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) MERS, which struck South Korea in a 2015 outbreak, was caused by a coronavirus, the same family of viruses that is...

New Scottish drug shows promise in battle against COVID-19

New Scottish drug shows promise in battle against COVID-19

by University of St Andrews A new anti-viral drug developed by Pneumagen, a University of St Andrews spin out company, has had positive results in laboratory tests against COVID-19. Pneumagen Ltd, a company focused on treating infectious disease and developing oncology treatments by targeting the human glycome, today (28 April 2020) announced results from three...


New microfluidics platform separates cell types for RNA profiling

A team led by scientists at the Broad Institute, MIT, and Massachusetts General Hospital has developed a prototype device that uses microfluidics to sort cell types extracted from clinical samples for RNA sequencing. Credit: Miguel Reyes “This platform allows us to isolate specific cell subsets in a sample, so we can perform RNA sequencing and...