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Q&A: Scientist shares surprising nutritional benefits of potatoes

by Louisiana State University Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain February is known as the month of love, and it’s also National Potato Lovers Month. It’s the perfect time to talk about one of the world’s most popular (and misunderstood) foods. Potatoes often get a bad rap, but new research shows they can actually play a role in...


Eating more potatoes may lower your risk of heart disease and early death, study finds

By Dr. Sanchari Sinha Dutta, Ph.D.May 21 2024Reviewed by Benedette Cuffari, M.Sc.A recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition finds that potato consumption moderately reduces the risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease-specific mortality in adults. Potato consumption and all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality – a long-term follow-up of a Norwegian cohort. Image Credit:...


Eating Potatoes Is Healthy

Medscape Staff February 01, 2023 Contrary to common belief, potatoes do not have a negative effect on blood glucose levels and can actually help people lose weight, according to researchers at Louisiana State University’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center. What to Know Potatoes are filled with key nutrients, packed with health benefits, and do not increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, as has been assumed. People...

Could POTATOES hold the cure for cancer? Scientists think so… and say they may even lead to drugs with less brutal side effects

Could POTATOES hold the cure for cancer? Scientists think so… and say they may even lead to drugs with less brutal side effects

By REBECCA WHITTAKER FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 00:00 EST, 7 December 2022 | UPDATED: 03:42 EST, 7 December 2022 Potatoes, tomatoes and aubergines could hold the key to beating cancer, experts believe.  Polish researchers say studies have suggested glycoalkaloids, naturally occurring chemicals also found in peppers, goji berries and huckleberries, posses some cancer-fighting properties.  And they think bioactive compounds in vegetables can also...

It’s not them, it’s you: Why potatoes don’t deserve their bad reputation

It’s not them, it’s you: Why potatoes don’t deserve their bad reputation

by Edith Cowan University Credit: CC0 Public Domain With low or no-carbohydrate diets rising in popularity in recent times, the humble potato is now regularly overlooked in favor of other vegetables. In fact, research literature has previously indicated potatoes may have a detrimental effect on health, such as possibly increasing the likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes. However,...


People with type 2 diabetes need not avoid eating potatoes based on glycemic index

FOODMINDS LLC People with type 2 Diabetes (T2D) are frequently told to avoid eating potatoes, and other high Glycemic Index (GI) foods, because of the longstanding perception that these foods make it difficult to control blood sugar levels. This is especially problematic during the night when blood sugar tends to spike — a phenomenon that...