Tag: <span>precision therapy</span>

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No use hiding your age: Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans for the first time by analysing proteins in their lenses

No use hiding your age: Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans for the first time by analysing proteins in their lenses

he team created an eye scanner that can tell someone’s ‘real’ or biological age There is no universal method for tracking a person’s biological age, authors say By building this new scanner they were able to create one method to see the age The team say that biological age is a more accurate health measure...

New blood test for Alzheimer’s developed

New blood test for Alzheimer’s developed

by Margareta G. Kubista, University of Gothenburg A new blood test for Alzheimer’s disease has been developed under the leadership of researchers at the University of Gothenburg. The method is based on measuring a specific variant of tau protein in ordinary blood samples, which makes the test relatively simple and cheap to perform. The research...


Old drugs bring new hope to a cancer that lacks precision therapy

Credit: CC0 Public Domain An estimated 15 to 20 percent of all breast cancer patients are “triple negative.” These unfortunate women lack three crucial treatment targets—the estrogen receptor, the progesterone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. Because they lack these targets, most triple negative patients are treated with standard chemotherapy, rather than the...


Theranostics: Paintball targeting of cancer cells combined with precision therapy

The Journal of Nuclear Medicine‘s September 2017 supplement shines a spotlight on theranostics and its increasingly important role in the delivery of precision medicine. Theranostics refers to the combination of a predictive biomarker, identified through diagnostic imaging using radiolabeled ligands (which lock onto the specific cancer cell receptor/biomarker), with precise therapy targeted on the now-marked...

September 19, 2017September 19, 2017by In Cancer