Tag: <span>primary progressive aphasia (PPA)</span>

Home / primary progressive aphasia (PPA)

Six things to know about primary progressive aphasia

by Helen Metella, University of Alberta Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The family of actor Bruce Willis, best known for the Die Hard movie franchise, announced in 2022 that he was retiring from acting because he had a brain disorder that affected his ability to speak. Their statement called it aphasia, which is an acquired loss...


Brain region discovered that only processes spoken, not written words

by Kristin Samuelson,  Northwestern University MRI brain scan from a patient in the study. Credit: Northwestern University Patients in a new Northwestern Medicine study were able to comprehend words that were written but not said aloud. They could write the names of things they saw but not verbalize them. Even though these patients could hear and speak perfectly...