Tag: <span>proliferation</span>

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Gray matter? Study finds differing interpretations of brain maps

Gray matter? Study finds differing interpretations of brain maps

Far-flung as they were, each was given the same assignment: Examine collections of irregular, blotchy shapes that formed seemingly abstract patterns, then describe what they saw and derive meaning from the muddle. With enough repetition and informed interpretation, surely those patterns could help tease apart what was going on inside their heads. Rorschach tests, right?...

A direct protein-to-protein binding couples cell survival to cell proliferation

A direct protein-to-protein binding couples cell survival to cell proliferation

This discovery has implications in cancer, stem cell growth, and blood or neuron progenitor cell speciation UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Human cells respond to stresses like DNA damage, metabolic imbalance and starvation by first trying to repair the problem. If that does not work, the cells then induce programmed cell death,...