Tag: <span>protective immunization</span>

Home / protective immunization
A flurry of RSV vaccine research may result in a protective immunization in the not-too-distant future

A flurry of RSV vaccine research may result in a protective immunization in the not-too-distant future

by Delthia Ricks, Medical Xpress Plasmablasts at W0 and W1 post-vaccination. (A) Representative plasmablast plots are shown for a single participant vaccinated with DS-Cav1 (pre-F, N = 30) or MEDI7510 (post-F, N = 30) at week 0 (W0) and week 1 (W1). Cells were gated on live, singlet, lymphocytes then CD19+ prior to gating CD38+ CD20- plasmablasts. (B)...