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Researchers find that new approach to boosting protein production could advance mRNA and protein-based medicines

Researchers find that new approach to boosting protein production could advance mRNA and protein-based medicines

by Temple University Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Medicines that are based on mRNAs and proteins—particularly vaccines and antibodies—are time-intensive and costly to make. The challenge is in producing the necessary mRNAs and proteins in large enough amounts at low cost. Now, researchers at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University have discovered a new way...

Modified mRNA Demonstrates 10-Fold Protein Production

Modified mRNA Demonstrates 10-Fold Protein Production

DECEMBER 1ST, 2022 CONN HASTINGS GENETICS, MEDICINE Scientists at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology came up with a technique to increase the efficiency and potentially the efficacy of mRNA therapeutics. mRNA molecules have what is called a poly-A tail, which is basically a string of adenine nucleotides at one end. These researchers discovered...


New insight into protein production in brain could help tackle dementia

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON A pioneering new study led by UCL scientists has revealed, for the first time, a layer of genetic material involved in controlling the production of tau; a protein which plays a critical role in serious degenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. The international research, conducted in mice and cells, also revealed...

The brain’s protein factories at work

The brain’s protein factories at work

CHARITÉ – UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLIN IMAGE: A SNAPSHOT OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN ACTION INSIDE THE DEVELOPING BRAIN. CREDIT: IMAGE: M.L. KRAUSHAR/CHARITÉ Protein synthesis is a finely tuned process in the cell by macromolecules known as ribosomes. Which regulators are responsible for controlling protein synthesis in the brain, and how do they exert their control on the...