Tag: <span>Protein</span>

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For older adults, does eating enough protein help delay disability?

To live successfully and independently, older adults need to be able to manage two different levels of life skills: basic daily care and basic housekeeping activities. Basic daily care includes feeding yourself, bathing, dressing, and going to the toilet on your own. You also need to handle basic housekeeping activities, such as managing your finances...


Protein found in patients with severe asthma can help identify who would benefit from targeted drugs

In a novel study, researchers succeeded in identifying patients with a form of severe asthma (type 2 endotype) by measuring periostin concentrations in their airways. These patients with the type 2 (T2) endotype may benefit from newly developed targeted treatments that have the potential to transform their quality of life, report researchers in the journal...


Mutation in common protein triggers tangles, chaos inside brain cells

MADISON, Wis. — A pioneer in the study of neural cells revealed today (Oct. 23, 2018) how a single mutation affecting the most common protein in a supporting brain cell produces devastating, fibrous globs. These, in turn, disturb the location of cellular processing units, harm the flow of energy and signals through the brain, and...


Molecular details of protein reveal glimpse into how kidney stones form

Penn study shows that 3D structure of ion channel protein could inform drug discovery UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE PHILADELPHIA – Kidney stones–solid, pebble-like grit that forms when too much of certain minerals like calcium are in the urine–can strike men, women, and increasingly, children, and the presence and pain of stones afflicts more than 12...


Levels of sex hormone binding protein could predict risk of developing insulin resistance

New research presented at this year’s annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) reveals that concentrations of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) protein in the blood can be used to predict the development of insulin resistance, which can develop into type 2 diabetes (T2D). High-resolution model of six insulin molecules assembled in a hexamer. Credit: Isaac Yonemoto/Wikipedia The research conducted by Kristin...


Glue-like protein may be key to drug-resistant breast cancer

Scientists have found it challenging to understand why some breast cancers become resistant to drugs. A recent study concludes that a sticky protein might be the answer. A glue-like protein may help to explain breast cancer drug resistance. The hormone estrogen plays a vital part in the development of breast cancer. An estimated 70 percent of all breast cancers are...


How ‘gatekeepers’ to a cell’s nucleus let genetic instructions pass through

New structural details emerge about one of the body’s biggest protein assemblages, the nuclear pore complex CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Standing guard between a cell’s nucleus and its main chamber, called the cytoplasm, are thousands of behemoth protein structures called nuclear pore complexes, or NPCs. NPCs are like the bouncers of a cell’s nucleus, tightly...


Restricting unwanted immune reactions

Researchers at the University of Münster (Germany) have decoded a mechanism found at the beginning of many inflammatory processes: a new approach to the development of anti-inflammatory treatment options IMAGE: BINDING MODEL: THE S100A8/S100A9 PROTEIN COMPLEX (GREY/BEIGE) BINDS TO THE TLR4 RECEPTOR (RAINBOW-COLOURED) AND MD2 (RED) AND TRIGGERS IMMUNE REACTIONS IN CELLS. BLOCKING THIS INTERACTION IS A...


Heart failure patients with a higher protein intake live longer

Heart failure patients who consume more protein live longer, according to research presented today at Heart Failure 2018 and the World Congress on Acute Heart Failure, a European Society of Cardiology congress. Elderly adults need to maintain muscle mass for optimal health. However, most lose muscle mass as they age and are less efficient at using dietary protein to build muscle....


Researchers show how a protein prevents the uncontrolled expansion of immune cells

The mammalian immune system consists of millions of individual cells that are produced daily from precursor cells in the bone marrow. During their development, immune cells undergo a rapid expansion, which is interrupted by phases of differentiation to more mature lymphocytes. Alternate phases of proliferation and differentiation occur also during the maturation of antibody-producing B...