Tag: <span>Psychiatric drugs</span>

Home / Psychiatric drugs
Risky combinations of psychiatric drugs prescribed for young patients

Risky combinations of psychiatric drugs prescribed for young patients

September 5, 2024 by Rutgers University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainA new study reveals that young patients treated with psychiatric medications receive potentially dangerous combinations with concerning frequency. Researchers from Rutgers Health and other institutions recently analyzed New York State Medicaid records for more than 141,000 patients receiving any psychiatric medication. Nearly 400 of them had...

Why do psychiatric drugs help some, but not others? New study offers clues

Why do psychiatric drugs help some, but not others? New study offers clues

by Lisa Marshall,  University of Colorado at Boulder Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain When it comes to developing drugs for mental illnesses, three confounding challenges exist: Men and women experience them differently, with things like depression and anxiety far more common in females; a drug that works for one person may not work for another; side effects...


Antidepressant Approvals Could Herald New Era in Psychiatric Drugs

Home Archive October 2019 Bio Business Antidepressant Approvals Could Herald New Era in Psychiatric Drugs The FDA has given the green light to the first major new classes of antidepressant therapies in decades, opening up new avenues for therapeutic development. Oct 1, 2019 BIANCA NOGRADY 1K ABOVE: © ISTOCK.COM, MARTIN BARRAUD As droughts go, the one plaguing...