Tag: <span>Psychiatry</span>

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Lithium can reverse radiation damage after brain tumor treatment

by Karolinska Institutet Children who have received radiotherapy for a brain tumor can develop cognitive problems later in life. In their studies on mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now shown that the drug lithium can help to reverse the damage caused long after it has occurred. The study is published in the journal Molecular...


Brain Molecule Identified as Key in Anxiety Model

This news or article is intended for readers with certain scientific or professional knowledge in the field. oosting a single molecule in the brain can change “dispositional anxiety,” the tendency to perceive many situations as threatening, in nonhuman primates, researchers from the University of California, Davis, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found. The molecule,...


Researchers develop groundbreaking test for PTSD

A cutting-edge blood test discovered by Indiana University School of Medicine researchers could help more accurately diagnose military veterans and other people experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder, and potentially provide more precise treatments and prevention. A study led by psychiatry professor Alexander Niculescu, MD, Ph.D., and published this week in the high-impact SpringerNature journal Molecular Psychiatry,...


Researchers track the birth of memories

How and when the ability to form and store memories arises are topics of great interest to neuroscientists. Now Yale researchers have identified three distinct stages in brain development that occur before episodic memories can form. Credit: stock.adobe.com Yale scientists measured brain activity in the hippocampus of newborn rats and found at the beginning of...


Meta-analysis highlights important challenges in cognitive processing for adults with ASD

The first comprehensive, systematic review and meta–analysis of adults with autism shows that despite having an intact IQ, these adults have medium to large impairments in four key social- and non-social cognitive domains: theory of mind, emotion perception and knowledge, processing speed, and verbal learning and memory. Credit: CC0 Public Domain The results may help create a roadmap for treating autism in adults, a population...


Regular trips out guard against depression in old age

Regular visits to the cinema, theatre or to museums could dramatically reduce the chances of becoming depressed in older age a new study has found. Researchers at University College London found a clear link between the frequency of ‘cultural engagement’ and the chances of someone over 50 developing depression. It is the first such study...

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