Tag: <span>Psychosis</span>

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Online cannabis oils contain dangerous amounts of psychoactive THC

By Lois Zoppi, BA Reviewed by Kate Anderton, B.Sc. Although specialist doctors registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) have been allowed to prescribe cannabis-derived medicines since November 2018, a lack of research into their effects is leaving patients open to buying unlicensed products, sometimes containing over 400 times the legal limit of certain key ingredients. Leading...


Questions remain about safety of Parkinson disease psychosis drug

(HealthDay)—There are many unanswered questions about the safety and effectiveness of a drug used to combat hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson disease patients, says a report from a drug safety group. The nonprofit Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) called for Nuplazid to have stronger warnings on its label for patients and their families, CNNreported. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration deemed the drug a “breakthrough” medication and gave it an expedited...


Cannabis during pregnancy bumps psychosis risk in offspring

Pregnant women who use cannabis may slightly increase the risk their unborn child will develop psychosis later in life, suggests new research from Washington University in St. Louis. “Our research shows that prenatal marijuana exposure after maternal knowledge of pregnancy is associated with a small increase in psychosis proneness during middle childhood or about age 10,” said Jeremy Fine, an undergraduate majoring in psychological and brain sciences...


High potency pot ‘strongly linked’ to psychosis: study

High potency cannabis, especially when used daily, is “strongly linked” to the risk of developing psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and paranoia, scientists said Wednesday. In Amsterdam and London—where high-THC marijuana has long been the rule rather than the exception—50 and 30 percent of new psychosis cases, respectively, were associated with potent forms of the drug. The findings,...


Study confirms role of brain’s support cells in Huntington’s, points to new therapies

New research gives scientists a clearer picture of what is happening in the brains of people with Huntington’s disease and lays out a potential path for treatment. The study, which appears today in the journal Cell Stem Cell, shows that support cells in the brain are key contributors to the disease. “Huntington’s is a complex disease that is characterized by the loss of multiple...


Researchers evaluate controversial treatment for Parkinson’s disease psychosis

Novel drug has been linked to increased mortality, but UC San Diego scientists find no statistically significant evidence in study comparing pimavanserin (Nuplazid) to another drug and to combination therapy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – SAN DIEGO In the wake of media and public reports about increased mortality linked to a new drug for treating Parkinson’s...


Huge meta-study confirms link between autoimmune disorders and psychosis

One of the most compelling hypotheses in scientific research today is the growing belief that psychiatric disorders are potentially related to immune system irregularities. A team from King’s College London has added substantial weight to that idea with a massive meta-analysis confirming that people with autoimmune disorders are consistently more likely to develop psychotic disorders. A study...


Link between autoimmune disorders and psychosis confirmed in new study

People with autoimmune disorders, a collection of diseases where the body’s immune system attacks its own cells, are more likely to have psychosis, according to our latest research. Lid retraction is a typical symptoms of Graves’ disease. Credit: Jonathan Trobe/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY Previous research found that rates of rheumatoid arthritis were lower in people with psychosis than would be expected in the general population....


Psychosis in Parkinson’s dementia—new treatment provides hope

New research involving King’s College London and the University of Exeter has highlighted the benefits of a promising new treatment which could relieve psychosis in thousands of people with dementia related to Parkinson’s disease. Around 80 per cent of people with Parkinson’s disease develop dementia, totalling around 100,000 people in the UK. ,The majority of these...

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