Tag: <span>radiation</span>

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What is potassium iodide and can it help with radiation?

What is potassium iodide and can it help with radiation?

Potassium iodide (KI) is a type of iodine a person may receive during a radiation emergency. It works by preventing the thyroid from absorbing a type of radioactive material. KI is a type of medical iodine salt. The thyroid can use iodine to produce thyroid hormones. In cases of radiation emergency, KI can block the...

Study identifies receptor that could alleviate need for chemo, radiation pre-T cell therapy

Study identifies receptor that could alleviate need for chemo, radiation pre-T cell therapy

by University of California, Los Angeles a, Gating strategy for mass cytometry data to capture live, singlet CD8+ T cells from an in vitro T cell culture for downstream analysis of T cell phenotype and function. b, Gating strategy for mass cytometry data to capture tumor-infiltrating live, singlet CD8+ T cells for downstream analysis of...

Radiation to the heart corrects arrhythmia by reactivating younger state

Radiation to the heart corrects arrhythmia by reactivating younger state

By Michael Irving September 28, 2021 Scientists have found that radiation therapy could be a less invasive treatment for arrhythmia Tolokonov/Depositphotos Scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine have made an intriguing discovery that could see radiation therapy become a less invasive treatment for heart arrhythmia. The technique seems to activate the heart cells...


Low doses of radiation may improve quality of life for those with severe Alzheimer’s

BAYCREST CENTRE FOR GERIATRIC CARE Individuals living with severe Alzheimer’s disease showed remarkable improvements in behaviour and cognition within days of receiving an innovative new treatment that delivered low doses of radiation, a recent Baycrest-Sunnybrook pilot study found. “The primary goal of a therapy for Alzheimer’s disease should be to improve the patient’s quality of...


Blocking a protein to prevent injuries caused by radiation therapy

It is possible to prevent certain injuries that can occur in radiation therapy against cancer. By blocking the activity of a plasma protein during and immediately after radiation, the patient can be protected against injury. This is shown in a new doctoral thesis at Umeå University, Sweden. “Injury in radiation therapy can be painful and...