Tag: <span>regenerative capacity</span>

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What is Known of the Reasons Why Aging Stem Cells Lose their Regenerative Capacity

Declining stem cell function is undoubtedly an important contribution to degenerative aging and age-related mortality. Tissues require the supply of new somatic cells that is generated by stem cells in order to replace losses, repair damage, and maintain function. Unlike stem cells, somatic cells are limited in the number of times they can divide. Turnover of somatic cell populations is a...


What is Known of the Reasons Why Aging Stem Cells Lose their Regenerative Capacity

Declining stem cell function is undoubtedly an important contribution to degenerative aging and age-related mortality. Tissues require the supply of new somatic cells that is generated by stem cells in order to replace losses, repair damage, and maintain function. Unlike stem cells, somatic cells are limited in the number of times they can divide. Turnover of somatic cell populations is a...

Cells/colony motion index of oral keratinocytes predicts epithelial regenerative capacity

Cells/colony motion index of oral keratinocytes predicts epithelial regenerative capacity

NIIGATA UNIVERSITY IMAGE: The optical flow (OF) algorithm was applied to the image segmentation and analysis of first passaged (p1) oral keratinocyte cultures to assess overall cell/colony growth and motion speed. The mean motion speed (MMS) of p1 cells was monitored as an indicator of proliferative capacity, and the MMS threshold required for the transfer...