Tag: <span>Rejuvenation Therapies</span>

Home / Rejuvenation Therapies
The Immune System Should be a High Priority Target in the Development of Rejuvenation Therapies

The Immune System Should be a High Priority Target in the Development of Rejuvenation Therapies

The immune system has many roles. It doesn’t just destroy invading pathogens, but also hunts and kills potentially harmful cells, such as those that have become senescent or potentially cancerous. Further, immune cells are intricately involved in the processes of tissue maintenance. Regeneration from injury is a complicated dance of signals and changed states carried out between stem cells, immune cells,...


A Conceptual Shift to (Finally) Seeing Aging as the Cause of Age-Related Disease

The mainstream of the scientific community has for decade after decade followed an entirely incorrect strategy in the matter of aging, and it was only comparatively recently that this state of affairs was changed for the better by the advocacy of groups like the SENS Research Foundation, Methuselah Foundation, and their allies, alongside advances in the science...

Michael Antonov Will Match the Next $600,000 of Donations to SENS Research Foundation in Support of their Important Work on Rejuvenation Therapies

Michael Antonov Will Match the Next $600,000 of Donations to SENS Research Foundation in Support of their Important Work on Rejuvenation Therapies

Michael Antonov is one of a number of high net worth individuals who are interested in accelerating progress towards a first generation of comprehensive rejuvenation therapies, targeting all of the mechanisms of aging in order to cure age-related disease and extend healthy life spans. The SENS Research Foundation remains one of the most important organizations in this space, focused on the scientific advances...