Tag: <span>resistant infections</span>

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Anti-bacterial virus (Phage PASA16) treated antibiotic resistant infections: 86.6% success rate

Anti-bacterial virus (Phage PASA16) treated antibiotic resistant infections: 86.6% success rate

THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM IMAGE: A TEM VISUALIZATION OF THE PHAGE PASA16 WITH P. AERUGINOSA PA14. CREDIT: RONEN HAZAN [Jerusalem, Israel] – A new international study conducted by the Israeli Phage Therapy Center (IPTC) led by Prof. Ran Nir-Paz at Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center and Prof. Ronen Hazan of the Faculty of Dental...

Inexpensive and rapid testing of drugs for resistant infections possible

Inexpensive and rapid testing of drugs for resistant infections possible

by Walt Mills,  Pennsylvania State University Convergence of machine learning and dynamic laser speckle imaging to monitor bacterial motion enables rapid and accurate identification of antibiotic resistance and the minimum drug dosage needed to inhibit bacterial growth. A rapid and simple method for testing the efficacy of antibacterial drugs on infectious microbes has been developed and...