Tag: <span>Respiratory System</span>

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What can cause coughing after the flu?

What can cause coughing after the flu?

A cough may linger following a cold or the flu. After ruling out other issues, the doctor may diagnose a “post-viral cough.” Experts are unsure exactly why this happens, but there are a few possible causes. Keep reading for more information about a cough that continues after recovery from a viral infection such as the...


Malaria could be felled by an Antarctic sea sponge

The frigid waters of the Antarctic may yield a treatment for a deadly disease that affects populations in some of the hottest places on earth. Current medications for that scourge — malaria — are becoming less effective as drug resistance spreads. But researchers report in ACS’ Journal of Natural Products that a peptide they isolated from an Antarctic sponge shows promise as a lead...


Whopping numbers on whooping cough

Another is pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough because of the distinctive sound it causes as people experience severe coughing bouts. An infection of the respiratory system, pertussis jumped from fewer than 2,000 cases in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s to more than 48,000 in 2012, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although the number of cases is...


Respiratory System: Facts, Function and Diseases

Red blood cells collect the oxygen from the lungs and carry it to the parts of the body where it is needed, according to the American Lung Association. During the process, the red blood cells collect the carbon dioxide and transport it back to the lungs, where it leaves the body when we exhale. The human...