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Should you try allergen immunotherapy?

by Len Canter, Healthday Reporter  This treatment is aimed at desensitizing you to your allergy triggers, providing long-term relief from allergies and reducing the risk for asthma. Recent advances have made this option more appealing. Allergy shots used to be the only immunotherapy treatment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, but in recent years, sublingual immunotherapies have proven effective. This approach...


Researchers develop new vaccine against deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

by  University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston A collaborative team from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Saudi Arabia and Canada developed a potent and safe vaccine that protects against the deadly Middle East respiratory syndrome, or MERS. The findings recently were published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases. MERS was first identified when someone died from the viral infection in 2012. The...


How do I tell if I’m dehydrated?

Our bodies are pretty good at telling us when we need to drink water. Credit: from www.shutterstock.com. It’s a message that’s been drummed into us since childhood. Drink water, especially when it’s hot, otherwise you’ll get dehydrated. But how do you know if you’re dehydrated? Who’s more at risk? And what can you do about it? What’s...


New two-in-one powder aerosol to upgrade fight against deadly superbugs in lungs

Purdue University researchers have developed a new approach to treating the fourth-leading cause of death worldwide – lower respiratory infections. Lung infections, often caused by multi-drug-resistant bacteria, are deadly because the ‘superbugs’ are resistant to all available antibiotics. Even worse, traditional systemic administrations of those antibiotics cannot reach the lung surface to kill the bacteria,...


Practicing Tai Chi helps improve respiratory function in patients with COPD

Finding ways to help patients with COPD improve their functional status is an area of interest for pulmonary healthcare providers. Currently, pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is used where available to improve exercise capacity and quality of life, but the treatment requires access to trained staff and specialized facilities. A new study in the journal CHEST looked at Tai Chi as...

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