Tag: <span>Restless Legs Syndrome</span>

Home / Restless Legs Syndrome

Stroke-Related Restless Legs Syndrome an ‘Emerging Entity’

Pauline Anderson January 17, 2022 More data support the concept of stroke-related restless legs syndrome as an “emerging entity,” investigators report in a new study. New research has identified the lenticulostriate and ventral brainstem as the main regions implicated in stroke-related restless leg syndrome (s-RLS). Researchers also observed dopaminergic dysfunction in patients with sRLS. “Clinicians should be...


Suicide and self-harm risk is nearly triple in people with restless leg syndrome

Posted Today Restless legs syndrome was associated with a nearly tripled risk of suicide and self-harm in a new study led by Penn State researchers. Using Big Data, the researchers found that people with restless legs syndrome (RLS) had a 2.7-fold higher risk of suicide or self-harm, even when the researchers controlled for such conditions...


Breakthrough in treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

New research published in the Journal of Physiology presents a breakthrough in the treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). RLS is a common condition of the nervous system that causes an overwhelming irresistible urge to move the legs. Patients complain of unpleasant symptoms such as tingling, burning and painful cramping sensations in the leg. More...