Tag: <span>Reverse Aging</span>

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Discovery of chemical means to reverse aging and restore cellular function

Discovery of chemical means to reverse aging and restore cellular function

by Impact Journals LLC Reprogramming small molecule cocktails restore NCC alterations in senescent cells. (A) Chemical structures of small molecules of basal cocktails used to generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from mouse (left) or human (right) somatic cells. (B) Correlation heatmaps showing eGFP and mCherry colocalization in human senescent fibroblasts demonstrate the effects of...


Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging

Story by Alice Park • Jan 12 It’s been 13 years in the making, but Dr. David Sinclair and his colleagues have finally answered the question of what drives aging. In a study published Jan. 12 in Cell, Sinclair, a professor of genetics and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School, describes a...

Microbes have potential to reverse aging in the brain

Microbes have potential to reverse aging in the brain

by  University College Cork Researchers at APC Microbiome in UCC have discovered the potential to reverse aging in the brain – Pictured are Professor John Cryan, Dr. Marcus Boehme, Katherine Guzzetta, Dr. Thomaz Bastiaanssen. The UCC researchers at APC Microbiome Ireland, a world-leading SFI Research Centre, have found that aging-associated changes in the immune system of...

Like Humans Have Found a Way to Reverse Aging

Like Humans Have Found a Way to Reverse Aging

BY TIM CHILDERSNOV 19, 2020 A landmark study shows the reversal of biological aging in humans. The researchers used oxygen therapy in a pressurized chamber to reverse aging in two key biological clocks. The study showed lengthening in the telomeres of chromosomes and a decrease in cells known to cause aging. The cure for aging has long been the Holy Grail...

It Sure Looks Like Humans Have Found a Way to Reverse Aging

It Sure Looks Like Humans Have Found a Way to Reverse Aging

BY TIM CHILDERS NOV 19, 2020 GETTY IMAGES A landmark study shows the reversal of biological aging in humans. The researchers used oxygen therapy in a pressurized chamber to reverse aging in two key biological clocks. The study showed lengthening in the telomeres of chromosomes and a decrease in cells known to cause aging. The cure for aging has long...